Writing 100 - Difficult But Helpful
Senior year english class was a joke to me. I had five months of school left, and did not want to read classic British novels or write papers. Now I wish I would have. Perhaps it would have made freshman writing in college just the slightest bit more manageable. Writing 100 kicked my butt, and I still don’t think my writing is up to par with that of a college students’. Throughout this semester I learned a lot about writing a good paper. Topic sentences and theses are two of the most important parts of an essay or paper, besides and argument. Sources, although important, were not as difficult as topic sentences in the three papers submitted throughout the class. Of course they need to be scholarly, however the worst part is sifting through the hundreds of results received online. One thing to be noted with sources for papers, is to write notes and highlight wherever important information relating to the topic or thesis can be found. Doing so made it much easier to cite my sources in the second and third papers.
The documentary watched for the third class paper proved interesting after a number of doubts. Each individual class picks the film to watch, and anything is a good choice as long as it is keeps the student’s attention, and there are controversial topics to be picked out of the storyline. Some will always complain or find a reason to not enjoy it and not write their paper, however, sometimes they’ll simply have to endure. Having a research paper was very helpful, and will continue to prove so throughout college. Knowing how to do research will be needed in the near future, and having practice will mean the papers can only get better from here. Throughout college I will continue to have writing assignments, however in nursing writing isn’t as prevalent as perhaps psychology or literature. Research is important in the nursing field though so it will be good to know how to conduct it and incorporate it into a paper.
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